Life Membership Criteria


(a) Aims

  1. Life MembershipThe aim of these criteria is to establish easily identifiable criteria which can be used to assess whether Members are deserving of Life Membership of the Club.
  2. Criteria can mean either automatic nomination for Life Membership or that an individual is deemed worthy of consideration for Life Membership by the Board of Management. (through the Life Membership Committee).
  3. It needs to be kept in mind that all Life Membership nominations must be supported by the General Membership at an Annual General Meeting. These criteria are only to be used to determine who the Board of Management should recommend for consideration of Life Membership.

(b) Automatic Criteria

  1. Automatic criteria will be difficult to establish given the qualitative element to the contributions made by individuals to the club.
  2. Accepted automatic criteria:
    • 40 years paid membership.
    • 30 years “Active Membership” (patrolling, competing and/or committee service).
    • 25 years active service to patrols.

(c) Qualifying criteria

  1. Qualifying criteria would be less stringent than the automatic criteria, but satisfying the qualifying criteria would not automatically mean Life Membership is conferred. That decision will be left to the Life Membership Committee.
  2. Categories of performance against which criteria needs to be established:
    • Patrolling service.
    • Service as Club Officer.
    • Competition (Competitor or Coach/Trainer).
    • Instruction.
    • Other meritorious service.

3. Possible criteria.

    • Twenty (20) years active service to Patrols.
    • Fifteen (15) years service as a Club Officer.
    • Fifteen (15) years Patrol service plus ten (10) years as a Club Officer.
    • Ten (10) years as a Club Officer plus other outstanding contributions.
    • Twelve (12) years patrol service plus eight (8) years as a Club Officer plus other meritorious contributions.

4. Indicators of “Meritorious Contributions” may include:

    • Years as a Patrol Captain.
    • Hours of Patrol Service.
    • Years actively involved in Life Saving instruction.
    • Holding of multiple positions within the Club simultaneously.
    • Active involvement in Member recruitment.
    • Outstanding record in competition.
    • Leading involvement in organization of carnivals hosted by South Port Surf Life Saving Club Inc.
    • Exceptional one-off contribution (viz: involvement in organization of Australian Championships.)
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